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11 Sep 2024

Baseline Survey for Circular Economy for Household Organic Waste at Practical Action Kenya

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Job Description

Practical Action is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries. We find out what people are doing and help them to do it better.


The baseline survey seeks to establish a robust account of the current situation on waste and waste management in Kakamega County in relation to the project objectives and performance indicators. The findings of the baseline survey will be used to re-test the project assumptions, refine project implementation priories and establish baseline measures and final targets to monitor progress throughout the project lifecycle. The survey will focus on the project outcome areas and is aimed to provide information on the status of young men and women in agriculture including their income levels.


  • The consultants should employ an appropriate mix of qualitative and quantitative methods to gather and analyze data/information, in order to diversify perspective to the mid-term review, and to promote participation of different groups of stakeholders. Final detailed survey methodology will be developed in consultation with Practical Action. This survey encompasses primary data based on the project framework and its indicators. Consultant team must propose a methodology and plan for this survey which will be approved by the Practical Action Impact and Influence team. Data triangulation is required to ensure the credibility and accuracy of data/ information gathered through various tools.
  • The methods proposed to undertake this survey must be of sound technical quality, rigorous and robust and based on scientific principles, be gender transformative and should resonate well with the survey design as proposed. Practical Action team in consultation with the consultant will agree on the tools and best data collection process. The consultant and Practical Action will harmonize their understanding of the tools and their administration in the inception meeting before administration of the questionnaires by the survey team.

Expected deliverables.

  • Inception report highlighting the following:
  • Approach of the study including framework for activities.
  • Work plan with detailed framework of activities.
  • Methodological Approach
  • Analysis framework
  • Proposed content outline for the report, schedule, and any logistical propositions.
  • Data collection tools
  • Limitation of assessment
  • Draft report responding to the objectives of the survey.
  • Final Baseline Report summarizing the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
  • Updated log frame with baseline figures and targets for each Indicator.
  • A power point slide deck summarizing the main findings, conclusions and recommendations from report presented to internal stakeholders at Practical Action and participants of the study.
  • Presentation of finding in a validation workshop
  • Delivery of cleaned dataset in SPSS format as well as raw dataset (Excel), final tools used, list of key informants, qualitative data transcripts.

Administrative and logistical support

  • The Consultants will report to the Project Manager with technical oversight by the Impact and Influence team.
  • The project team will provide day to day support during the assignment to support the actualization of this assignment and within stipulated timelines. Practical Action will also provide all necessary program documents required.
  • The consultants on the other hand will:
  • Recruit and train research assistants (if necessary)
  • Pay research assistants based on reasonable market rates.
  • Facilitate field travel for the research team.

Requirements of the consultant

  • This baseline should be undertaken by with a range of skills and experience in order to deliver an insightful baseline survey for the project. They should be experienced in gender sensitive data collection techniques and can lead the data collection team. It is expected that the consultant will have the following qualifications and experience:
  • Extensive and demonstrated experience in designing, facilitating, and coordinating baselines/evaluations in the development sector by non-governmental and donor (bi-lateral and multilateral agencies)
  • Extensive and demonstrated experience in the use of mixed methods approaches (integrating quantitative and qualitative data), statistical analysis and interpretation of results.
  • Experience using digital data collection methods, for example, ODK, KOBO Collect, GIS.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead and coordinate a multi-disciplinary team in MEL activities.
  • Be well-versed and extensive knowledge of the target county geographically, in terms of terrain, local population, and other details of the counties, and has carried some related or similar work in the region.


  • Team members comprising market systems development practitioners, economists, youth experts, policy and gender experts who possess more than 10+ of experience with Masters’ and above level education, lead consultant with PhD level.

Method of Application

Submit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to:

[email protected]

Use CE4HOW Project Baseline Assessment and position as the subject of the email

Closing Date : 20 September. 2024


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