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17 Oct 2023

Chief Executive Officer at The Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation

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Job Description

Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) Following the enactment of the Energy Act 2019, Rural Electrification Authority (REA) has now changed to Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC). REREC has an expanded mandate of spearheading Kenya’s green energy drive, in addition to implementing rural electrification projects. OUR PURPOSE Joo – Niche Multi-Purpose HTML Template Mission Our driving force, our mission since our inception has been “To provide sustainable energy solutions for all through rural electrification and renewable energy for social economic transformation.” Vision Our guiding force that helps us see every project to completion is our vision of creating “A green energy-driven nation.” Core Values Customer focus: We will continuously endeavor to understand and take care of our customer’s specified needs and expectations by providing services that effectively address them. Team Work: Our staff shall work together, communicate openly and respect each other. Fulfillment: We shall provide an enabling environment that fosters talent development and provides delight in work. Quality and Excellence: – We shall set and achieve high standards in everything we do while ensuring safety first. Integrity: The Corporation is committed to doing the right thing. Transparency and Accountability: The Corporation shall consistently disclose its actions and remain responsible. Environment consciousness: We shall be conscious about environmental and social sustainability issues in its operations. Professionalism: we shall perform our duties in a professional manner and always seek to continuously improve as required by the respective professional standards. Innovation: We shall adopt new ideas, more-effective devices or processes to attain better solutions that meet new requirements and unarticulated needs through more-effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models that are readily available.

Reporting Status Reporting to the Board of Directors
Terms of Appointment

The appointment will be on a Three (3) years contract renewable once subject to satisfactoryperformance. The Corporation offers salary and benefits consistent with scales approved by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission

Job Purpose

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible to the Board for the day-to-day management and coordination of activities in the Corporation.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Be the Accounting Officer of the Corporation;
  • Secretary to the Renewable Energy Resource Advisory Committee;
  • Ensuring the formulation, preparation, review and implementation of the Corporation’s strategic and annual work plans as well as providing strategic direction to the Corporation;
  • Responsible for the day-to-day management and operations of the Corporation and shall have control over all personnel and other activities of the Corporation;
  • Overseeing the implementation of the Rural Electrification Programme;
  • Facilitating the operations of the Rural Electrification Programme Fund established under section 143 of the Energy Act, 2019;
  • Sourcing additional funds for the Rural Electrification Programme and renewable energy;
  • Developing and updating the rural electrification master plans in consultation with County Governments;
  • Developing and updating the renewable energy master plan taking into account county-specific needs and the principle of equity in the development of renewable energy resources;
  • Supporting the establishment of energy centres in the counties;
  • Establishing a framework for collaboration with County Government in the discharge of its mandate;
  • Undertaking on-farm and on station demonstration of wood-fuel species, seedling production and management;
  • Undertaking feasibility studies and maintaining data with a view to availing the same to developers of renewable energy resources;
  • Developing, promoting and managing in collaboration with other agencies, the use of renewable energy and technologies, including but not limited to biomass (biodiesel, bio-ethanol, charcoal, fuel-wood, biogas) municipal waste, solar, wind tidal waves, small hydropower and co-generation but excluding geothermal;
  • Formulating, in conjunction with the Nuclear Power and Energy Agency, a national strategy for coordinating research in renewable energy;
  • Undertaking, in conjunction with the Nuclear Power and Energy Agency, research, development and dissemination of appropriate renewable energy technologies;
  • Providing an enabling framework for the efficient and sustainable production, conversion, distribution, marketing and utilisation of biomass, solar, wind, small hydros, and municipal waste;
  • Promoting, in conjunction with the agency responsible for forests, the use of fast-maturing trees for energy production including bio-fuels and the establishment of commercial woodlots including peri-urban plantations;
  • Promoting, in collaboration with other agencies, the development of appropriate local capacity for the manufacture, installation, maintenance and operations of renewable technologies such as biodigesters, solar systems, turbines and other renewable energy technologies;
  • Promoting international cooperation programmes focusing on renewable energy sources;
  • Harnessing opportunities offered under clean development mechanism and other mechanisms including, but not limited to, carbon credit trading to promote the development and exploitation of renewable energy sources;
  • Promoting the development of electricity co-generation by sugar millers;
  • providing technical and other capacity-building support to county governments in the discharging of the functions of electricity reticulation and energy regulations;
  • Overseeing the implementation of the Corporation’s policies and plans governing the Corporation in liaison with the Board and other relevant authorities;
  • Fostering a conducive corporate culture that promotes ethical practices and good governance in line with the Constitution of Kenya;
  • Creating a corporate environment that attracts, retains and motivates employees;
  • Providing leadership in the development of the Corporation’s programs and assure quality program and organizational stability through the development and implementation of standards and controls, systems and procedures, regular evaluation and performance management system;
  • Developing and overseeing efficient and effective strategies for recruitment, selection, retention and evaluation of staff;
  • Providing guidance to the Board and the management in the development and implementation of the best practices in Corporate Governance;
  • Promoting values and principles as spelt out in Articles 10 and 232 of the Constitution of Kenya in the operations of the Corporation;
  • Custodian of the Corporation seal and seal register;
  • Leveraging on ICT for efficient service delivery in the promotion of the Corporation’s Mandate

Key Qualifications

Applicants must possess the following minimum qualifications

  • Be a citizen of Kenya;
  • Have at least fifteen (15) years of relevant professional experience, Seven (7) of which must be in Senior Management;
  • Hold a Bachelors degree from a university recognized in Kenya or its equivalent in the fields of engineering, physical sciences, law, finance, economics or energy;
  • Hold a Masters Degree from a University recognized in Kenya in engineering, physical sciences, law, finance, economics, energy or any related field;
  • Hold a professional qualification and membership in good standing to a professional body where applicable;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of Corporate Governance and Leadership;
  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of: –
    • The energy industry.
    • Local, national and international conventions and treaties governing energy.
    • Public Finance Management Act, 2012.
    • Public Procurement and Asset Disposals Act, 2015.
    • The Energy Act, 2019.
    • Mwongozo: The Code of Governance for State Corporation.
    • Be proficient in computer applications; and

Key Competencies And Skills

  • Analytical skills;
  • Communication skills;
  • Strategic and innovative thinking;
  • Interpersonal skills;
  • Resource mobilization skills;
  • Negotiation skills; and
  • Team player

Other Requirements
Shortlisted candidates will be expected to present the following clearance certificates to fulfil the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and the Leadership and Integrity Act:

  • Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority
  • Clearance Certificate from Higher Education Loans Board
  • Clearance from Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
  • Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations
  • Clearance from an approved Credit Reference Bureau

Method of Application

Submit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to :
P.O BOX 34585-00100,
and a soft copy to [email protected]

Closing Date : 7 November. 2023


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