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11 Sep 2023

Credit Risk Manager at Co-operative Bank of Kenya

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Job Description

The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited is incorporated in Kenya under the Company Act and is also licensed to do the business of banking under the Banking Act. The Bank was initially registered under the Co-operative Societies Act at the point of founding in 1965. This status was retained up to and until June 27th 2008 when the Bank’s Special General Meeting resolved to incorporate under the Companies Act with a view to complying with the requirements for listing on the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE)


The Role

Specifically, the successful jobholder will be required to:

  • Reporting & communication – identify, measure and report credit risk exposures related to all categories of credit facilities offered by the Bank to its customers Largest credit exposures (Top 50), new loan disbursements, PAR analysis, etc.
    Risk Assessment programs- Review credit related Bank processes to ensure that adequate controls are in place to identify, monitor and control risk associated with the credit processes.
  • Assist in documenting the Bank’s ICAAP processes to ensure that industry best practices are incorporated to identify, monitor and control pillar 1 & 2 risks and associated capital requirements.
  • ESG& Climate Risk – Develop and monitor climate-related/ESG risk metrics at exposure, counterparty, and portfolio levels as well as develop stress test methodologies to test resilience to climate-related risks.
  • Policies, procedures & related controls -Assist in reviewing credit related internal policies, procedures, new products & services, and make recommendations for enhancement of credit controls and risk mitigation as appropriate.
  • Risk Assessment programs – Carry out periodic control sample testing reviews of credit/loan products and ensure that the policy requirements of the Credit Policy are complied with.
  • Assist the Chief Risk Officer in drafting the Board Risk Committee quarterly reports on credit risk exposures and emerging trends.
  • Risk monitoring, testing & curing – Work with Business and Credit Management Departments within the Bank to enhance the Bank’s and overall Group credit risk mitigation strategies and tools.
  • Regulatory interaction & coordination – undertaking bank wide stress testing exercise and consolidating the quarterly stress testing report for timely submission to CBK
  • Risk monitoring, testing & curing – Attend Bank meetings both internal and external from time to time including the Early and Late alert Credit risk meetings.
  • Support the Chief Risk officer in drafting ALCO reports on a monthly basis/ as required including ad-hoc analysis of emerging risks/issues.
  • Regulatory interaction & coordination – Conducting audits of credit related policies and compliance to standards, including liaison with internal and external auditors as and when required.
  • Risk training & awareness- Providing support, education, and training to staff to build risk awareness within the organization in line with the annual RMD training plan.
  • Support the Chief Risk Officer in keeping track of circulars and reports released by CBK, KBA, etc. to ensure bank’s compliance on credit related matters
  • Ensure that there is Strict adherence to all regulations, statues, practices and procedures as per the relevant manuals and compliance with all the relevant external legislations and regulations

Skills, Competencies and Experience

The successful candidate will be required to have the following skills and competencies:

  • Strict adherence to all regulations, statues, practices and procedures as per the relevant manuals and comply with all the relevant external legislations and regulations with regard to Compliance requirements.
  • Ensure that as a staff member you actively contribute to the department/division attaining a “Satisfactory” rating in both internal and external audit by performing their role to the required standards and adhering to all internal processes and procedures as per relevant manuals, policies and regulations of the Bank.
  • Risk Governance & Policy framework – Ensure that all risk management requirements are addressed and where necessary escalated through the available defined channels

Method of Application

Submit your CV, copies of relevant documents and Application to  [email protected]
Use the title of the position as the subject of the email

Closing Date : 25 September. 2023


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