Submit CVs – New Recruitment at Baringo County Government (31 Positions)
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- Company: Baringo County Government
- Location: Kenya
- State: Baringo
- Job type: Full-Time
- Job category: Graduates Jobs in Kenya
Job Description
With all systems up and running, we are now enjoying streamlined operations that ensure effective and timely service delivery especially in critical areas like water provision, irrigation and agriculture, health and infrastructure. I commend our people, social media and the mainstream media for their continued support and more importantly for exercising t…
Municipal Physical Planner
Duties and responsibilities
- Preparation Urban Land use plans
- Undertake feasibility studies on physical,social, economic and Environmental characteristics
- Implementing Physical plans Regional UrbanAreas and Municipalities.
- Development of budgets and work plans forurban planning units
- Coordination of urban planning activities inUrban areas
- Preparing action plans for specific projectssuch as residential housing schemes, shopping centres, industrial estates andrecreational facilities.
- Providing advice to government and privateagencies on development proposal and plans.
- Implementing and providing feedback onphysical and land use planning guidelines and standards.
- Undertaking thematic regional studies onmatters relating to physical and land use planning.
- Managing Municipal Physical planning data.Providing advice on development control.
- Carry out public education on physical andland use planning matters.
- Preparing annual state of physical planningdevelopment plans
Requirements forappointments
- Have a Bachelors degree in any of thefollowing disciplines: Urban and Regional Planning, Town Planning from arecognized institution.
- Must be registered as a Physical Planner underthe Physical Planners Registration Board (PPRB)
- Have served in the grade of Physical Plannerfor a minimum period of four (4) years or cumulative working experience of atleast two (2) years in the relevant field from the public sector or privatesector.
- Member of the Kenya Institute of Planners orArchitectural Association of Kenya (Town Planning Chapter)
- Have a certificate in computer applicationskills from a recognized institution
- Certificate in GIS
Sub-county Revenue Officer – 2 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
- Performance of duties of revenue collector
- Implementation of established revenue system
- Prompt collection and accounting of all revenue dueto the government within areas of jurisdiction.
- Supervision of revenue staff within areas ofjurisdiction
- Maintain schedules for revenue sources within theSub County.
- Undertake periodic surveys to determine feasibilityof revenue collectioni
- Daily monitoring and reporting
- Submission of statutory reports and records withinset deadlines.
- Requisition, safe custody and accounting forreceipt books for revenue collection within areas of jurisdiction.
- Preparation of AIEs, Expenditure returns, quarterlyreporting of Revenue and Expenditures
Requirements for Appointment
- Bachelor’s Degree in a BusinessCourse,
- Certificate in AccountingPackages
- Computer LiteracyCertification
- Three (3) yearsexperience in relevant field
- CertifiedPublic Accountant Section II
- Certificatein Accounting Packages
- ComputerLiteracy Certification
- At least three (3) yearsexperience in relevant field
Animal Health Assistant II – (6) Post
Duties and Responsibilities
- Assisting ondemonstrating on milking techniques and parasites control techniques such asdipping, spraying and dusting.
- Carrying out vaccination,closed castration, dehorning, deworming, disbudding, docking, debeaking andhoof trimming.
- Carrying out simpletreatment of animals
- Participating in diseasesearch and reporting
- Undertaking artificialinsemination and meat inspection
- Enforcing slaughterhousehygiene and meat transport regulations
Requirements for Appointment
- Be a Kenyan Citizen
- Two (2) years Certificate in any of the following disciplines; Animal Health (with Meat Inspectioncertificates) Environmental Health and Production or its equivalent andrelevant qualifications from a recognized institution.
- Proficiency in Computer applications
Laboratory Analyst
Duties and responsibilities
- Receiving,recording, packaging dispatching, analyzing and preserving samples
- PreparingMedia stains and dyes
- Maintainingbiological cultures
- Caring forlaboratory animals
- Undertakingdisease surveillance activities
- Performingvaccines
- Animalproducts and by-products quality assurance tests;
- Calibratinglaboratory equipment
- Standardizinglaboratory procedures and writing reports
- Any otherduties assigned.
Requirementsfor Appointment
- Degree in LaboratorySciences, Applied Biology or Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology, Biochemistry,Microbiology, Food Science and Technology
- At least two years workexperience in a related field.
- Certificate in ComputerTechnology
Environmental Officer I
Duties andResponsibilities
- Superviseimplementation of environmental projects and ensure timely delivery of service;
- Implementationand evaluation of departments environmental strategic plans, programs andactivities at the sub -county;
- Representthe department at the sub -county forums;
- Ensurepublic participation in Government service delivery;
- Handlewaste management and sanitation at the sub-county;
- Carry outenvironmental and social impact assessment for projects and supervise proposedenvironmental mitigation measures
Requirementsfor Appointment
- Degree in Environmental Science or its equivalent from a recognized University.
- Three (3)years working experience
Chief Supply Chain Management Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
- Coordinatethe collection, collation and analysis of data from departments and makerecommendations
- AnalyseSupply Chain Management issues emanating from departments and initiateappropriate action
- Monitoringand implementation of existing supplies chain management policies, guidelinesand procedures
- Planningand coordinating supply chain management activities in procurement warehouse,distribution and fleet management, disposal of stores and assets procurementplans, inventory and stock control
- Computerizationand analysis of procurement data;
- Writingand submitting reports on specific assignments
- Trackingand reporting on the progress of the County’s Key projects
- Coordinationand dissemination of Public Information on the Status of the key CountyProjects;
- Improvingthe coordination of County Government flagship projects, monitoring, evaluationand reporting on timely fulfilment of Governor’s key development priorities
Requirements for Appointment
- Degree inEconomic/Statistics/Supplies Chain Procurement
- Minimum of five years experience
Community Development Assistant – (4) Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
- Undertake Civic Educationprograms;
- Undertake Public Participationprograms
- Undertake Community CapacityBuilding and development towards poverty eradication and sustainabledevelopment;
- Undertake stakeholders mapping,engagement and documentation;
- Facilitate Community actionplanning initiatives towards improved community contributions towards theirdevelopment;
- Backstop and animate communitydriven development project implementation;
- Facilitate data collection andanalysis towards effective participatory planning, participatory budgeting andparticipatory monitoring;
- Any other assigned duty by thesupervisor
Requirements forAppointment:
- Diploma in any of the followingdisciplines: Development studies, Community Development, Sociology or Economicswith Sociology, Project Management, Public Policy, Leadership and Governance,Education, Social Work, or its equivalent from a recognized Institution
- Minimum of five (5) years workexperience
Youth Development Officer II
Duties and Responsibilities
- Organize and design training foryouth-related programs on AGPO and empowerment.
- Assist the Directorate inimplementing youth policies, projects, and programs
- Disseminating information to thePublic
- Initiating and participating in developmentactivities and preparing periodic reports
- Assist the immediatesupervisor in educating the public on Youth Development Legislation
- Mobilizing Youth groups forempowerment programs
- Assist in the management of YouthEmpowerment Centres
- Develop ICT programs for the ICThub in youth empowerment Centre
- Develop a youth empowerment manualfor the youth empowerment Centres.
- Organize training on ICT-relatedprograms for the youth empowerment Centre.
Requirements for Appointment
- Diploma in Development Studies,Social Science, Diploma in ICT or IT related.
- One (1) year experience in a related field.
Culture Officer II
Duties andResponsibilities
- Participating in the identification and registration of cultural practitioners.
- Encouraging the formation of associations and committees by cultural practitioners.
- Promoting Kiswahili and indigenous languages.
- Disseminating cultural information to the community.
- Participating in cultural development activities and preparing periodic reports.
- Performing any other duty that may be assigned by the Supervisor.
Requirements for Appointment:
- Be a Kenyan citizen
- Possess a Diploma in any of the following disciplines: – Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, History, Archaeology, Creative Arts, Theatre Arts, Music, Fine Arts, Kiswahili and Literary Studies, Indigenous Languages or its equivalent from a recognized institution.
- Must have at least three (3) years experience in the relevant field
Artisan II (Mechanic) – (2)post
Duties and Responsibilities
- Will be reporting to the FleetManager
- Provide specifications for spareparts that need to be purchased.
- Maintain simple records, preparereports, and complete and input work orders in a timely manner.
- Assist in training lessexperienced workers
- Replace or repair faulty parts,including wheel bearings, clutches, oil seals, shock absorbers, exhaustsystems, steering mechanisms and related parts and equipment.
- Coordinate with other departmentsfor equipment repairs and respond to questions and complaints from thosedepartments.
- Prepare drawings and designs forthe manufacture and fabrication of tools, equipment, and machine/plant/vehiclecomponents.
- Ensure the safety of governmentand citizens property at all times.
- Accurately prepare weekly,quarterly, and annual maintenance schedules.
- Ensure the safety of workers andclients.
- Ensure the safety and proper useof motor vehicles and machines.
- Any other duty assigned by thesupervisor.
Requirements for Appointment
- Certificate in Plant Mechanics
- Must have at least two (2) yearexperience in the relevant field
Inspector (Buildings Civil)
Duties and responsibilities
- Assisting in maintaining highstandards for road construction works
- Prepare and revise reports,specifications, plans, construction schedules, and project designs.
- Support the execution of Countyplans and strategies related to road construction
- Help in creating standards forroad designs
- Use computer assisted engineeringand design software to prepare necessary documents.
- Assist in overseeing constructionprogress to ensure compliance with engineering plans, specifications and safetystandards.
- Perform other duties as assignedby the supervisor
- Indicate resource needs forachieving program objectives.
- Monitor construction progress toensure adherence to plans, specifications and safety standards.
- Facilitate effective collaborationwith other government agencies.
- Develop work plans for Countyprojects.
Requirements for Appointment
- Diploma in any of the following; Buildingand Civil Engineering, Construction Technician part III
- Registration with the KenyaTechnologists Registration Board of Kenya (KeTRB) and Institution ofEngineering Technologists and Technicians of Kenya (IET) will be addedadvantage.
- Minimum two years work experience.
- Computer Aided Designs andComputing skills
Architect II
Duties and responsibilities
- Preparation of Sketch/schemedesigns and production drawings;
- Interpretation of clientsrequirements; and
- Any other duties assigned bysupervisors.
Requirements for Appointment
- Bachelor Degree in Architecture orequivalent and relevant qualification from a University recognized in Kenya;and
- Graduate membership with theArchitectural Association of Kenya
- Have at least two (2) yearspost-registration experience in public or Private sector
Senior Superintending Architect
Duties and Responsibilities
- Management and Coordination ofwork in the preparation of schemes designs, production drawings of Projects inthe Annual Works Programme,
- Supervision of projects duringconstruction and maintenance, monitoring and expenditure
- Liaising with client Departmentson matters relating to design briefs and expenditure
- Manage and coordinate fieldsurveys and user reactions in investigations
- Analysis of data and fieldsurveys;
- Establishment of space standardsand better architectural detailing;
- Monitor and Evaluate sketch/schemedesigns done by consultants for necessary recommendations for approval;
- Evaluation of consultants feesand make recommendations for payment;
- Assessment of training needs inthe units
- Design and supervision ofconstruction and maintenance of public buildings, civil and other public works;and
- Responsible for researchactivities, administration and supervision of staff working.
Requirementsfor Appointment
- Bachelor Degree in Architecture orequivalent and relevant qualification from a University recognized in Kenya;
- Registration with the Architects& Quantity Surveyors Board (BORAQS)
- Corporate membership withArchitectural Association of Kenya (AAK)
- Have at least five (5) yearspost-registration experience in public or Private sector
- Proficiency in Auto CAD, Archicadand computer literacy using Micro soft Office suite and Presentation software.
Architectural Assistant II
Duties and Responsibilities
- Assisting the Architects inArchitectural drafting
- Interpreting Senior Architectsnotes to prepare Architectural details and Schedules.
- Ensuring all Architecturaldocuments and records are well kept for easy retrieval.
- Updating Inventory of DepartmentalArchitectural drawings
- Assisting Senior Architects inSupervision of new or ongoing projects.
- Ensuring project drawings andreports are well filed and retrievable
- Any other duty assigned by theCounty Architect or any other designated officer.
Requirement for appointment
- A Diploma in Architecture fromrecognized college/Institution in Kenya
- At least five years relevantpost-graduation experience in the Public or Private Sector; and
- Competency on the use of ArchiCAD,Auto CAD or any other relevant programs in the building sector.
Assistant Public Health Officer III
Dutiesand Responsibilities
- Environmental Health risks
- Implementing promotive andpreventive health programs
- Monitoring and evaluatingcompliance to urban and rural sanitation standards in dwellings, commercialpremises and work places
- Monitoring and evaluating themanagement of solid/liquid and other hazardous wastes
- Promoting hygiene educationincluding school health programmes
- Educating the Public on Health andsafety at the work place
- Coordinating Community Basedprogrammes
- Carrying out surveillance onEnvironmental health pollutants and advising on prevention and control ofdisease incidents and outbreaks
- Liaising with other stakeholdersin carrying out disaster preparedness and response
- Compiling research reports onpublic health
- Compiling and analyzing publichealth data reports
- Promoting modern information andcommunication technology in the provision of public health services
Requirements for appointment
- Diploma in Public Health from Requirements for Institution
- One (1) year work experience
- Certificate in ComputerApplication
Assistant Physiotherapist III
Dutiesand responsibilities
- Assessing and formulation ofpatients treatment plan
- Maintaining records and datarelating to patients
- Collecting data for operationalresearch
- Sensitizing the community onPhysiotherapy issues
- Preparing periodical reports;
Requirements for appointment
- Diploma in Physiotherapy
- At least one-year experience
- Certificate in ComputerApplication
Medical Officer – (2) Posts
Dutiesand Responsibilities
- Formulation, implementation andreview of health policies, regulations, standards, guidelines and protocols
- Provision of clinical care,general/community diagnosis, and treatment and rehabilitation of patients;
- Undertake medical examinations andwrite reports
- Conduct disease prevention,surveillance, and control;
- Provision of emergency responseand clinical care services during disaster;
- Undertake health research
- Provision of forensic and medicallegal services
- Provision of medical psycho-socialinterventions
- Provision of health education andpromotion;
- Management of health facilities
- Facilitation of medical boardproceedings
- Facilitation of training ofinterns and other health personnel
Requirementsfor appointment
- A mean grade of KCSE C+ Plain
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
- At least one-year internship experience
- Registrationwith the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Council
- Valid Practicing license
- Certificate in ComputerApplication
Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse III – (17) Posts
Duties and Responsibilities;
- Assessing, planning, implementingnursing interventions and evaluating patients outcomes;
- Providing appropriate healthcareservices including Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI), immunization,PMTCT, ante-natal care and delivery;
- Providing health education andcounseling to patients/clients on identified health needs;
- Referring patients and clientsappropriately;
- Facilitating patients admissionand initiating discharge plans;
- Maintaining records onpatients/clients health condition and care;
- Ensuring a tidy and safe clinicalenvironment; and
- Collecting and compiling data.
Requirementsfor the Appointment
- Must be a Kenyan
- A mean grade of KCSE C Plain
- Diploma in any of the followingdisciplines; Kenya Registered Community Health Nursing, Kenya RegisteredNursing, Kenya Registered Midwifery, Kenya Registered Nursing/Midwifery orKenya Registered Nursing/Mental Health and Psychiatry from a recognized institution.
- Registration Certificate issued bythe Nursing Council of Kenya.
- Valid practicing license fromNursing Council of Kenya.
Pharmaceutical Technologist III – (2) Posts
Dutiesand Responsibilities
- To dispense and compoundprescribed medicines to patients to identify prescriptions that might present risksto patients and to resolve relevant issues before dispensing.
- To ensure that medicines aredispensed in a legal, efficient and accurate way to counsel patients on the useof their medicines at the point of dispensing.
- Participate in departmentalmeetings and other committees as may be delegated Prepare monthly, quarterlypharmacy report Ensure proper receipt, storage and issuance of pharmaceuticalsand maintain appropriate documentation for accountability Monitor storageconditions and update the expiry track system.
- Ensure security of pharmaceuticalcommodities Comply with all quality measures and standards that have been putin place Ensure proper handing over procedures of commodities and keys areobserved Fill, report and submit pharmacovigilance forms as they occur.
- Comply with occupational healthand safety policies and procedures at the work place Undertake requisiteprofessional development activities Carry out any other duties andresponsibilities which may be assigned by the immediate supervisor from time totime.
Requirements for Appointment
Requirements for Appointment For appointment to thisgrade, an officer must: –
- A mean grade of KCSE C Plain
- Diploma in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Technology or equivalent qualification approved by the Pharmacyand Poisons Board from a recognized institution;
- Have a minimum of one (1) yearworking experience
- Certificate of Enrolment as aPharmaceutical Technologist awarded by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB)
- Certificate in computerapplications from a recognized institution.
Registered Clinical Officer III (General)
Duties and Responsibilities
An officer at this level will workunder guidance of a senior officer. and will also be responsible for the following;
- Taking medical history,
- Examining, diagnosing and treating patientscommon ailments at an outpatient or inpatient health facility;
- Implementing Community Health Careactivities in Liason with other Health Workers
- Guiding and counseling patients, clients andstaff on health issues;
- Sensitizing patients and clientson preventive and Promotive health;
- Carrying out minor surgicalprocedures as per training and skill; and collecting data and compilingclinical data
- Referring patients and clients toappropriate health facilities;
Requirements for Appointment
- A mean grade of KCSE C Plain
- Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery or Clinical Medicine andCommunity Health from a recognized institution;
- Certificate of Registration from the Clinical Officers Council;
- Valid Practicing License from the ClinicalOfficers Council
Registered Clinical Officer I (Anesthesia) – (2) Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
An officer at this level will work under guidance ofa senior officer. and will also be responsible for the following;
- Taking medical history,
- Examining, diagnosing and treating patientscommon ailments at an outpatient or inpatient health facility;
- Guiding and counseling patients, clients andstaff on health issues;
- Referring patients and clients toappropriate health facilities;
- Assessing, preparing andpresenting medical legal reports; Organizing health management teams andconvening health management committee meetings;
- Implementing community healthcare activitieswith other health workers;
- sensitizing patients and clients on preventiveand Promotive health;
- Providing clinical outreach and school healthand services;
- Carrying out minor surgicalprocedures as per training and skill; and collecting data and compilingclinical data
- Pre-operative preparations of patients for surgery;
- Administering general anesthesia topatients prior to medical procedures and reverse the situation;
- Monitoring, evaluating, overseeing and providing continuous assessmentof patient before, during and after surgery
- Participating in management ofall patients in ICU;
- Preparing anesthetic plans and mentor and train students and otherstaff in the hospital.
- Performing any other duty that may be assigned by the supervisor
Requirements for Appointment
- A mean grade of KCSE C Plain
- National Higher Diploma in Anesthesia from a recognized institution;
- Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery or Clinical Medicine andCommunity Health from a recognized institution;
- Certificate of Registration from the Clinical Officers Council;
- Valid Practicing License from the Clinical Officers Council
- Practiced for a minimum period of one year in Anesthesia.
Medical Laboratory Technologist III – (3) Posts
- Decontaminating working benches;
- Receiving and scrutinizinglaboratory requisition forms/specimens;
- Preparing clients for collectionof specimens;
- Receiving/collecting, labeling andregistering of specimens;
- Transfer specimens to specificsections for processing and analysis;
- Preparing reagents;
- Examining specimens;
- Writing and recording of results;
- Dispatching the results forclinical management;
- Preparing stains;
Requirementsfor the Appointment
- Must be aKenyan citizen.
- A meangrade of KCSE C Plain
- Diploma in Medical LaboratorySciences or equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by theKenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board.
- Registration Certificate issued bythe Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board (KMLTTB).
- Valid practicing license fromKenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board.
- Proficiency in computerApplications.
- Issuing blood and blood productsto peripheral health facilities; and
- Storing blood products accordingto their requirements.
Requirements for the Appointment
- Must be aKenyan citizen.
- A meangrade of KCSE C Plain
- Diploma in Medical LaboratorySciences or equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by theKenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board.
Radiographer III – (2) Posts
Duties and Responsibilities;
- Provide radiographic services to the patients,
- Process, verify and maintain information relating to patients,
- Order and maintain records of radiographic and photographic supplies
Requirements for the Appointment
A mean grade of KCSE C Plain
- Must be a Kenyan citizen.
- Diploma in Radiology and Imaging Sciences or its equivalent from a recognized institution.
- One (1) year work experience
Nutrition and Dietetics Technologist III – (2) Posts
Duties and Responsibilities;
- Providing Nutrition Services in Health facilities
- Implementing Nutrition programmes
- Conducting Nutrition assessments
- Collecting and compiling Nutrition data
- Providing Nutrition Health Education and demonstrations
- Monitoring the preparation of therapeutic feeds
- Implementing outpatient and inpatient supplementary and therapeutic feeding programmes
- Promoting maternal, infant and young children feeding programmes
- Providing Micronutrient supplementation
- Perform any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
Requirements for Appointment
- Must be a Kenyan citizen.
- A mean grade of KCSE C Plain
- Must possess a Diploma in any of the following disciplines; Community Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition or Nutrition and Dietetics from a recognized Institution
- Must be registered by the Council of the Institute of Nutritionists and Dieticians (CIND)
- Evidence of proficiency and knowledge in computer applications.
- Applicants are required to get clearance from the following institutions to meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya:
Health Records and Information Technologist III
Duties andResponsibilities;
- Receiving and documenting patientsat a hospital reception
- Registering and booking appointmentsfor patients to clinics and consultants
- Storing and retrieving medicalrecords documents
- Preparing clinics
- Updating bed bureau
- Editing of patients case records
- Gathering data from differentsources
- Capturing data from service points
- Maintaining record safety andconfidentiality
- Storing and retrieving Medicalrecords
- Balancing daily bed returns
- Updating patient master index,directing patients to relevant clinics
- Scheduling of patients to theconsultants and specialist clinics
- Assigning codes to diseases andsurgical procedures according to the international classification of diseasesand procedures in medicine.
Requirements for the Appointment
- A mean grade of KCSE C Plain
- Diploma in Health Records & Information Technology froma recognized institution
- Certificate of registration from the Association of MedicalRecords Officers Kenya (AMRO-K)
- Valid practicing license from Health Records and InformationBoards
- Certificate in Computer Applications
Accountant II – (2) Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
- Preparation and verification of vouchers inaccordance with the laid down rules and regulations
- Data entry and routine accounting work
- Balancing of cash book, imprest and advance ledgers
Requirements for Appointment
- Bachelor’s Degree inBusiness Course
- Certificate in Accountingpackages
- Computer LiteracyCertification
- iAt least three (3) yearsexperience in a relevant field.
- Certificate in AccountingPackages
- Computer Literacy
- Three (3) yearsexperience in the relevant field
Legal Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
- Responsiblefor drafting and Publication of legislative proposals for the County Governmentand its agencies on legislative and other legal matters
- Assist innegotiating, drafting, vetting and interpreting local and internationaltreaties on behalf of the County Government
- Representthe County Government in Court in all legal proceedings
- Participatein handling public interest litigation and represent any member of the publicin matters of the Governor or the Country Attorney deems to be a PublicInterest.
- Advise onall matters relating to the Constitution, National and County Legislation,International law, Human Rights and Legal Aid
- Negotiate,Draft, Vet and Interpret documents and agreements for and on behalf of theCounty Government and its agencies as directed.
- Beresponsible for the revision and amendment of the County Laws.
- Representthe County Government in matters before courts, commission and tribunals.
- Appearunder Instruction of the County Attorney at any stage of proceedings, appeals,execution or any incidental proceedings before any court, tribunals in which bylaw the County Attorneys right of Audience is not excluded
- Work withand support such administrative units of the office of the County Attorney asmay be necessary for the effective discharge of functions in the Office
- Performany other action necessary in the Administrative interest of the office.
- May uponrequest and under instructions of the County Attorney advice CountyDepartments on legal matters.
Requirementsfor Appointment
- Bachelorof Laws (LLB) Degree from a recognized University
- PostGraduate Diploma in Legal Studies from the Council of Legal Education
- Must be amember of the Law Society of Kenya
- Three (3) years work experience
- Must have a valid practicing license; and
- Proficiency in Computer Application.
Gender and Social Development Officer II
Duties and Responsibilities
- Collecting data on Gender mainstreaming, socio-economic empowerment, Female Genital Mutilation and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence programs and projects;
- Handling logistics relating to the administration of training programs on gender mainstreaming, social economic empowerment, Female Genital Mutilation and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence; and
- Counselling victims of Gender-Based Violence.
- Develop ICT programs for the ICThub in Youth Empowerment Centre
- Develop a youth empowerment manualfor the youth empowerment Centres.
- Organize training on ICT-relatedprograms for the youth empowerment Centre.
Requirements for Appointment
- Diploma in Gender studies, Diplomain ICT and IT applications, Social Sciences or Development Studies
- At least 1-year experience in a relatedfield
Duties and Responsibilities
- Screening prescriptions for legalvalidity, drug contraindications, drug interactions, appropriateness of dosefrequency and duration of dosing and patience convenience;
- Preparing and dispensing medicinesaccording to good dispensing practices and counseling patients on use ofmedicines;
- Making extemporaneous preparations
- Participating in ward rounds
- Identifying medicinal gaps andchallenges
- Maintaining a daily activity logbook for recording all activities undertaken
- Recommending over the countermedicines to patients/clients with simple medical conditions and makingnecessary referrals.
- Making entries into the relevantinventory management records and register
Requirementsfor Appointment
- A mean grade of KCSE C+ Plain
- Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree(B.Pharm) from an Institution recognized by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board.
- Successfully completed one (1)year Internship from a recognized Institution
- Registration Certificate by thePharmacy and Poisons Board
- Valid practicing license
- Certificate in Computer Skillsfrom a recognized Institution
Farewell Home Assistant I (Mortician) – (2) Posts
Duties and Responsibilities;
- Wrapping in mortuary sheets, labeling and storing dead bodies in the cold room of the mortuary
- Keeping of appropriate registers and receipt and delivery of dead bodies at the mortuary
- Washing, cleaning, and disinfecting of mortuary equipment and instruments after postmortem examination
- Embalming of bodies whenever required
- Delivering of dead bodies after autopsies to relatives/parents/police
- Placing of dead bodies from wards and after autopsies in appropriate coffins whenever required
- Assisting in Postmortems
- Proper cleanliness and upkeep of mortuary, cold room equipment, instruments
Requirementsfor the Appointment
- Must be a Kenyan citizen.
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Mean Grade D (plain) or any other equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
- Certificate in Mortician course or its equivalent lasting not less than six (6) months from a recognized institution
- Proficiency in computer application.
Medical Specialist I (Surgery)
Requirements forappointment
- A meangrade of KCSE C+ Plain
- Have a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.Ch.B) from an institutionrecognized by Medical Practitioners and Dentists Council;
- Have a Masters degree Medicine in GeneralSurgery from an institution recognized by the Kenya Medical Practitioners andDentist Council.
- One-yearexperience as a specialist Surgeon.
- Have aCertificate of registration by the Medical Practitioners and Dentist council;
- Have aSpecialist recognition certificate by Medical Practitioners and DentistCouncil;
- Have a Valid practicing license fromMedical Practitioners and Dentist Board;
- Becompetent in computer applications.
- Demonstrate professional competence and managerial capability as reflected inwork performance and results.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Undertaking general diagnosis, care, treatment and rehabilitation ofpatients;
- Carrying out specialized clinical care;
- Providing psycho- social interventions;
- Providing clinical services to patients;
- Training, consulting and conducting surgeries in various healthfacilities;
- Carrying out forensic and medical-legal services;
- Coordinating health education and or promotion;
- Coordinating disease surveillance, prevention and control;
- Implementing health projects and programs;
- Maintaining up to date health information systems;
- Monitoring provision of health treatment care
- Undertaking health research; and
- Analyzing Medical reports
Method of Application
Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.- Municipal Physical Planner
- Sub-county Revenue Officer - 2 Posts
- Animal Health Assistant II - (6) Post
- Laboratory Analyst
- Environmental Officer I
- Chief Supply Chain Management Officer
- Community Development Assistant - (4) Posts
- Youth Development Officer II
- Culture Officer II
- Artisan II (Mechanic) - (2)post
- Inspector (Buildings Civil)
- Architect II
- Senior Superintending Architect
- Architectural Assistant II
- Assistant Public Health Officer III
- Assistant Physiotherapist III
- Medical Officer - (2) Posts
- Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse III - (17) Posts
- Pharmaceutical Technologist III - (2) Posts
- Registered Clinical Officer III (General)
- Registered Clinical Officer I (Anesthesia) - (2) Posts
- Medical Laboratory Technologist III - (3) Posts
- Radiographer III - (2) Posts
- Nutrition and Dietetics Technologist III - (2) Posts
- Health Records and Information Technologist III
- Accountant II - (2) Posts
- Legal Officer
- Gender and Social Development Officer II
- Pharmacist
- Farewell Home Assistant I (Mortician) - (2) Posts
- Medical Specialist I (Surgery)
