4 Secrets To Achieving Your Goals in 2015 & Beyond
By Elizabeth Benu,
A new year comes with committing to survive and thrive in the workplace. But if you had set any career goals in 2015 how do you achieve them?
1. Commitment
Cy Wakeman, an executive HR coach notes that most goals often fade quickly.
“The most effective approach to achieving your goals is to commit to succeeding in spite of the circumstances; to quit wishing your reality was different and to change the way you view that reality,” Ms. Wakeman explains.
She further adds that this mindset will make you less dependent on your circumstances and make you ‘bulletproof’ in the workplace.
2. Understand What You Need To Sacrifice .
Is your goal to be the best Sales person in your company this year? Analyse what you are willing to sacrifice, be it laziness or a low self esteem and give them up.
More sacrifices may include money, time and sleep. After this analysis, execute towards achieving it without derailment.
3. Start Every Day Prepared.
To advance in your career you need to effectively perform your duties in the current position. Show up to work daily when you are mentally prepared, be active, plan ahead and tackle any challenges that come your way.
4. Be Confident.
Did you know that lack of confidence is one of the biggest obstacles to achieving both professional and personal goals? As an employee or job seeker, you need to believe in your abilities.
It is also important that you maximize on your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
Once you are aware of what you are capable of you will be more than willing to take risks to achieve your goals.
The fear of failure is what destroys most dreams. As Mirriame Williamson once said “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”
Best wishes as you engage in your journey to achieving your goals.