7 Smart Ways On How To Start A Job Search While You’re Still Employed
By Susan Gitonga
You were having coffee with an old friend over the weekend and as you were catching up, they mentioned how they were having the time of their lives in their job. They work for a good company that pays them so well, they’re always traveling for business, they enjoy car, housing and health allowances and this job seems to be what they have always dreamt of.
As you sit there, you consider looking for a better job, that probably pays better than the one you have, or maybe you hare been thinking of relocating and you find it necessary to look for another job.
Bearing in mind that you are still employed, you wonder when you will have the time to search for a job.Whichever the scenario, here are 7 ways to conduct a job search while you are still employed.
1.Don’t Switch Off at Work
One of the easiest ways to tell you’re over your job? Acting like you’re over your job. Always maintain your work ethic and positive attitude, even though you’re in the midst of creating an exit strategy. Doing so will lessen suspicion that you’re on the way out and help you maintain a good rapport with your colleagues until the end. You never know when you’ll work with them again, after all.
2. Source for Other References
Here’s one of the biggest issues with searching for a job while you’re still employed: Who will you use as a reference? If you don’t want your co-workers to know you’re leaving, you probably don’t want to use them or your current boss as references.
Find other potential references, and request confidentiality from the new companies in line to interview you. It’s always best to share the news of your departure on your own terms.
3. Don’t Air Your Dirty Laundry on Social Media
Refrain from posting comments or status updates bashing your current employer – those things have a way of getting found and could tip off your HR department. What’s more, you don’t want prospective employers to find those comments either – no one wants to hire a negative Nancy.
4. Don’t Use Your Company Email or Phone Number
Always list your personal email address and phone number on your resume and job applications. Do the same for any social media accounts associated with your professional brand, such as your About.me or LinkedIn profile. Consider creating an email address that’s reserved exclusively for your job-search and networking activities to stay organized.
5. Schedule Your Interviews Smartly
You can only fake so many doctor and dentist appointments before your colleagues get suspicious about you leaving every other day after lunch. If you can, schedule a few interviews on the same day, and then take a personal day at your current job.
The same goes for phone interviews, a vital step in the process of acquiring a new job. Most employers won’t be available to chat after work — they’re finished working, too — so try to schedule interviews before work or on your lunch break, so you can enjoy privacy and inconspicuousness.
6. Search for Jobs at Home Only
No matter how hands-off your employer is, he or she could still happen upon your job-search emails, post-it notes or doodles in your planner. You should be working while at work. No matter how badly you want out, you shouldn’t use your work time to look for a new job.
Searching for a new job while you’re at work can also cause you to feel a bit nervous or paranoid that someone is going to see what you’re doing. The anxiety won’t do much to help you in your search, so productivity is another reason to conduct it in the comfort of your own home.
7. Tell the Truth If Someone Asks
Despite following the above steps, you should be honest if someone realizes what you’re up to. Lying about your intentions will only make your exit even harder. Ultimately, your employer will appreciate the honesty and the early heads-up and will probably remember you in a positive light if you tell the truth.
Finding a new job is never easy, and finding one while you’re already working is an even harder task. With careful consideration of each step in the process, you can make it smooth for all parties involved.
All the best!