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Are You Being Called For Interviews But No Job? This Is Why

Posted by | June 15, 2015 | Scholarships_CareerTips

While a jobseeker is invited to an interview, he/she knows the CV and Cover Letter were a success in the selection process and what is now left is impressing the recruiting personnel in order to get the job.

Impressing the interviewer starts with the CV; it got you the interview and now you must reflect your qualifications verbally to the interviewer, says Sheila Cheptoo, a Recruiting Officer at Corporate Staffing Services.

Some are lucky enough to get the job, others are not. If you don’t get a job once, you move on to the next, but if you’re constantly not being offered a job after several interviews, then there is something you are doing wrong.

Why You Are Not Getting The Job

1. You are too proud
Interviewers or recruiting personnel want people who make them feel smart and accomplished, not egotistical people who appear to undermine them. If you appear proud, know at that time you are leaning back to unemployment. It pays to be kind and humble.

2. Your job search frustration is showing
If you have been searching for a job a long time, then it is only normal that frustration is kicking in. You are starting to give up and letting it show. If your interviewer picks up on the frustration then you risk not getting the job, because you are already communicating negativity. Try taking a break until you’re more energetic.

3. You are lying in your CV
Sometimes jobseekers want to appear qualified for the position and for this reason they add on their responsibilities. You might think them petty lies that you can get away with, but remember the recruiting officer knows what they are looking for and they will sniff out any lie. Make sure your CV doesn’t lie.

4. Your referees are not saying good things about you
The Referees are the people the employer calls to gauge if they should hire you or not. If you include the name of a person who hardly knows you, then you might not get the job, even when the interview was perfect.
To avoid future frustrations, remember to ask for feedback whenever you don’t get the job. Some interviewers will be kind enough to let you know what you did wrong.