Living With Job Insecurity? 6 Ways To Cope With It
Source: Mind Tools
As a result of globalization, outsourcing, contracting, downsizing, recession and even natural disaster, “job security” can seem like a thing of the past.
People entering the workforce within the past few years may have more than 10 different jobs before they retire. The lack of job security that goes with this is something that almost everyone must face at one time or another, and learning how to cope is essential to being happy, and keeping stress away.
It’s impossible to know what the future will bring, so preparing in advance can help reduce your worries, because you’ll know you’ve done all you can. We’ll show you what you can do now to deal with the feeling of a lack of job security.
How To Deal With Job Uncertainty
1. Coping with Stress
Living with constant insecurity can be stressful. Some studies suggest that living with job insecurity – the “fear” of losing your job – can be more harmful to your health than actually losing it. Here, keeping a positive attitude can make all the difference.
If your lack of job security is due to a drop in demand for your technical skills, think “outside the box.” What else can you do – and how can you prove that you could learn a new line of work? Look at your track record of being adaptable, your organizational skills (time management, team management, and leadership), and your people skills.
2. Prove Your Worth
If you were your boss, and you were forced to eliminate one position, who would you lay off: the person who leaves at 5:01 pm each day and complains all the time, or the person who’s willing to take on extra work and always has something positive to say?
If you face uncertainty in your field, make sure you give value to your company. You’ll have to do more than “just the minimum” if you want to keep your job.
3. Stay Current
Keeping your skills current is essential if you want to offer value to your company. Make sure you’re up to date on your industry certifications and trends. Take outside classes and read trade publications, so that you know what’s going on in your field.
4. “Brag” About Yourself
Many people resist talking about their accomplishments because they don’t want to boast. But think of it this way: your boss may not know how great you are, or what you’re capable of doing, if you don’t tell her.
By talking about your accomplishments, you keep him or her informed of your value.
5. Keep Your CV Up to Date
This is smart for everyone to do, not just those who are actively looking for work.When your CV is current, you can be ready at a moment’s notice to apply for a new position – even one within your own company. You won’t have to rush to make changes (and risk making mistakes), and you can be sure to present yourself in the very best light. If you wait until the last minute, you might forget an important accomplishment that could mean winning – or losing – the job.
6. Save Your Money
Save at least three to six months of living expenses – this can help you take the time you need to find the best opportunity, if you are laid off. It can also give you the resources you need to look further afield, if work dries up in your area. This can help you turn a bad situation into a chance to reevaluate your career, and put yourself onto a new, exciting path.
If you do get laid off, remember that the world is full of opportunities. Changing your mindset can go a long way toward reducing your stress. Look at this change as an adventure and as the chance to try something new. Focus on the positive, not in doubt and uncertainty. Remember, your life is what you make of it.